En aquest episodi de la sèrie Super Easy, aprendreu a donar indicacions en català i a fer servir el mode verbal de l’imperatiu. No cal dir que és un coneixement que és imprescindible per a la vida real… Jo, quan he vist el vídeo, m’hi he sentit molt i molt identificada, i ara us explico per què.
In this episode of the Super Easy series, you will learn how to give directions in Catalan and to use the the imperative. Needless to say, this piece of knowledge is essential for everyday life… When I saw the video I related so, so much, and now I will tell you why.
Resulta que jo vaig estudiar a la facultat que apareix al vídeo, l’edifici històric de la Universitat de Barcelona. Quan vaig començar els estudis, feia pocs dies que m’havia mudat a la ciutat i gairebé no la coneixia. Anava ben peix! Com que encara no tenia smartphone, el meu pare em va regalar un mapa de paper, però em costava molt ubicar-me. Sort de tots els barcelonins que em van ajudar donant-me indicacions per poder arribar a classe a temps!
As it turns out, I studied in the university that appears in the video, the historical building of the University of Barcelona. When I started my studies, I had been living in the city only for a few days and I barely knew it. I felt completely lost! As I didn’t have a smartphone then, my father gave me a paper map, but it was so hard to know my way around. I’m grateful for all the locals who helped me giving me directions to arrive to class on time!
La nota del Joan
Heu de saber que aquest vídeo el vam gravar per iniciativa de la Sara, que va fer un superguió! I tot i que el Matthew va arribar quan ja acabàvem de gravar, va servir perquè la Sara i ell es coneguessin, que encara no s’havien vist mai físicament.
You should know that we shot this video at the initiative of Sara, who did a super script! And although Matthew arrived when we had just finished filming, it helped Sara and him get to know each other, as they had never physically seen each other before.
Per cert, sé que al principi del vídeo pot ser una mica confús, perquè no ho vam saber fer millor, però al principi representa que s’envien notes de veu per WhatsApp, i després parlen per telèfon.
By the way, I know at the beginning of the video it can be a little confusing, because we didn’t know how to do it better, but at the beginning it represents that they send voice notes to each other via WhatsApp, and then they talk on the phone.
Així que, si veieu algú tan perdut com la Sara al vídeo, feu la bona acció del dia i ajudeu-lo. Aquestes són algunes de les expressions que us poden servir quan doneu indicacions en català, tot fent servir l’imperatiu:
So, if you see someone as lost as Sara is in the video, do the good deed of the day and help them out. These are some of the expressions that you can use when giving directions in Catalan, while using the imperative:
- ves carrer amunt/avall
- continua tot recte
- tomba/gira a l’esquerra / a la dreta
- allà hi trobaràs…
- go up/down the street
- continue straight ahead
- turn left/right
- there you will find…
I hope you liked this video.
See you soon!
Amb el suport del Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya.